So, I've picked a team in the Bundesliga: FC Bayern Munich
And I don't know why I have such a thing against Man U, but I do. But I don't really want Chelsea, or Arsenal. I guess Arsenal. But I guess I just can't get into Premire League. I will follow the anglophiles and the Bundesliga players transferred to the Premire League, though.
And Ajax. I'm ALL about Ajax.
What is Bundesliga and who is Ajax?
By the way... that prompt WAS easy!
they go out for japanese food, get drunk on saki, and because japanese restaurants don't serve desert often, they go home and have dark chocolate and get a little excited about it.
See? Now where is my prompt...
Bundesliga is the German major league for football... and if you're hot and Dutch you play for Ajax, it's a club..
Ummm... your prompt is coming.
(And that one was hard!)!
power rotman cops personalized shallow brunskill klein retrieve sstsst mistake geek
lolikneri havaqatsu
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