Goooood Mooooorning Mu-nich!

A chronicle of the World Cup from someone completely unfamiliar with the game of soccer. I used to play, but I didn't even like it then. I am officially rooting for the Netherlands.

Friday, July 21, 2006

There has been a lack of updates to this blog, because... the World Cup has ended. Yeah. That tends to slow news.

I am very disappionted that the Italians won. I thought I wouldn't really care, because come on it was France v Italy, but now... they are fuckers and I hope the earth swallows them up at their celebration. They cheated to get where they were, and they will continue to blatantly cheat.

Plus, the French need to win something sometime.

I miss the Dutch, but I love the threats being held against Cristiano Ronaldo. Cheating little fucker. The only reason I don't have a voodoo doll of him is that he's fucking gorgeous. And I will always let that impare my judgement.

But my love and pride of Germany is EXPLODING. There are fantastic, and I love them all, especially Miro Klose, Podolski, Schweinsteiger, and Lehmann.

The German half of me was cheering and screaming, the Irish half was rooting against England.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

and people wonder why I watch football

This is why football is great. The players are not afraid to cry after a game, and they kiss each other. Sometimes on the mouth.

This is Alan Smith and... someone.

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Frank Lampard CAN score goals, but it's not his JOB to score goals. Therein lies the problem.

If all you've got left are Lampard and Gerrard, you're not going to get the power you need. Crouch? I'm beginning to find him increasinly adorable, but that doesn't win you games.

Under the circumstances, push Lampard up with Crouch, and a defender up with Gerrard, and not play such a defensive game. Go on the attack for once.

Yes, I am now accepting bids from all countries to manage their squads for Euro 2008 and/or (yeah diction errors!) WC 2010 South Africa.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

From: De Gay Krant

A gay Dutch magazine released it's list of top ten hottest football stars.

1. Cristiano Ronaldo (so named because Ronald Regan was his father's favorite actor.)
2. Marcus Rosenberg
3. Johnny Heitinga (self-explanitory)
4. Michael Owen
5. Robin van Persie (second Dutch boy in the Top 5... I see a vacation to the Netherlands in the future...)
6. David Beckham
7. Fredrik Ljungberg
8. Kaka
9. Fernando Torres
10. Jan Kromkamp (who deserves to be higher on the list)

Yes. In a list of the hottest football players in the major leagues, 3 were Dutch. Why do I not live there? Oh yes because life hates me.